NavigatingRFPs: Insights from Lisa Rehurek

Lisa Rehurek, CEO and Founder of the RFP Success Company was recently on the GrowFast Podcast.

Lisa, an RFP expert, shared key strategies for success. Emphasizing collaboration and value delivery, her approach focuses on aligning proposals with client goals. Clear objectives are crucial, and understanding the buyer's needs positions organizations as trusted partners in the competitive RFP process.

Key takeaways stress the importance of relationship-building before the RFP release. Attending events, early Zoom participation, and leveraging diversity programs establish connections and goodwill, setting the stage for success. Lisa underscores tracking metrics like wins, losses, response time, and go-no-go criteria for continuous improvement and informed decision-making.

Lisa advocates utilizing the Freedom of Information Act to gain insights into past RFPs and competitor proposals. This proactive approach enhances strategic advantages, providing a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape. Analyzing past submissions and competitor strategies empowers organizations to refine their approach and increase their chances of success.

In conclusion, Lisa Rehurek's RFP expertise offers a valuable roadmap for navigating this complex landscape. Emphasizing collaboration, understanding client objectives, building relationships, and leveraging data-driven insights, organizations can elevate their RFP responses and achieve better results.

You can find the whole episode of the Grow Fast Podcast with Lisa here:


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TheGrow Fast Podcast is brought to you by memoQ RFP, the fastest, easiest, and lowest-cost way to process RFPs, RFIs, security questionnaires, and other important documents.

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